Friday, July 07, 2006


Originally uploaded by SdosRemedios.
This is a study in contrasts. Color vs B/W; straight vs curve; light vs dark; real vs abstract; photograph vs artifact; documentation vs interpretation; observation vs participation.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is itself a work of art which complements the exhibitions on display. It is an experience as much as it is performance art - enjoy the interaction of other visitors with the spaces and the exhibitions. Ideas float through the air in all directions; for me, some work and some do not.

Highly recommended.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting, almost abstract-geometrical shot. I like the way the color is jammed into half the frame area.

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I got to your site by googling "observation vs participation". I'm curious about the distinction between these two notions and how they relate to our ability to represent (the object vs that which stands for the object). Seems to me that the ability to represent is akin to our ability to step back and observe as opposed to merely participate -- curious about any thoughts you or others might have

Very nice site!


Unknown said...

As a photographer I spend most of my time passively involved with a scene. Some images, such as this one, are the product of my participation in the image, as a painter might do. The image would be a photograph if I hadn't changed perspective and added artifacts - to many it remains a photograph.